
Using the feet, thumbs, elbows and palms the practitioner presses the Traditional Chinese Acupressure/Acupuncture meridians of the body stimulating the flow of “Qi” (life force) to the organs for rejuvenation. The massage is both medically therapeutic and a deep relaxation for the muscle meridians. The client can remain fully clothed or request a combination of Shiatsu and Swedish for the 1-1 1/2 hour massage.
$85/1 hour  $45/30 minutes   $125/1.5 hours

This massage is the most widely practiced by the professional spa and is the basic muscle rub using scented or unscented oils on the skin in a nurturing and therapeutic rub that can be light, moderate or deep into the muscle tissue. Trigger point therapy using medium to deep pressure on specific muscle sites are often incorporated in the treatment for muscle spasm release.
$85/1 hour   $45/30 minutes   $125/1.5 hr

This massage is especially beneficial for the detoxification of the lymphatic system as the techniques deeply and gently coax the lymphatic drainage through manipulation along lymphatic pathways. The client is encouraged to drink lots of water and take a hot herbal or epsom salts bath following the massage to further facilitate flushing of the lymphatic system. This massage is highly recommended for those following a dietary and eliminative cleanse program.
$85 /1 hour   $45/30 minutes   $125/1.5 hours

Raindrop Therapy
This wonderful treatment makes use of high grade essential oils along the spine to facilitate neutralization and removal of virus and other toxic substance in the spinal system. The oils are applied with light strokes in layers and hot moist towels (or hot stones) are placed on the back along the spine to facilitate deeper penetration.
$95 /1 hour

Deep Tissue
This masssage offers a deep layer myofascial stretch to the muscle and connective tissue using long slow strokes with minimal lubrication. The technique is recommended for long standing pain and stiffness that has resisted relief. By stretching the connective tissue in slow strokes the compression can be released to allow proper blood and lymph lubrication to regain flexibility and relieve pain.
$95/1 hour  $55/30 minutes $135/1.5 hours

Trigger Points
Not a separate massage in itself the trigger points are added within the massage routine to specific areas for release of spasmed muscles. Trigger points can be pressed for 15 seconds or an electric stimulator can be applied to send the message to the intelligence center of the muscle allowing it to release. Best as an add-on technique within swedish or shiatsu massage.

Foot Reflexology
Both feet are massaged strategic thumb and finger pressure stimulating all major organ reflexes of the body.
$40/.5 hour  $75/1 hour

(Note:  Current fees are for cash or check payment.  Credit Card charges will incur a handling fee of 2.75%)